Thursday, December 19, 2013

7 Days Until Christmas: Countdown of Good Reasons to be Sober Day 7

Day 7

I never knew how many feelings I had until I started actually having them.

7th Good Reason to be Sober

Feelin' it

When I was drinking I pretty much had three feelings: drunk, hungover, and guilty.

Now, holy moly. There are so many feelings I might have to ask some to just please sit down and wait your turn. They aren't all joy and peace either- some of those bitches grab on with the big teeth and will not let go. Sometimes I feel so gleeful and glorious and whole altogether that I might turn myself inside out with my grin. Sometimes I feel quiet and thinkful, then thankful, then cranky and crazy making. Mostly I just feel pretty dang normal. Divinely normal.

One feeling that never goes away is this: blessed. I don't mean in a grab your book of hymns and march it down to the pews way, or a someone go get Jesus way. (But if you want to go ahead. He's a cool guy. And I do like singing.) I mean it in a deep down wash me in rainbows way. A woot woot woot WOOT! way. In the earnest thank you way that this is now my life. Because I am sober I get to feel it all.

That feels worth it.


  1. You inspire me and your stories make me so GLAD I am not hungover!!!!
    Nothing is worth that anymore.

  2. The guilt gripped me, tormented me and ultimately saved me xxx

    1. Ah yes, the gift of guilt. God knows I unwrapped it every moment. Jeez, am I glad that's over. :) xoxoxo

  3. The no drink guilt is the biggest kept secret of it all. I'd exchange the roller-coaster of emotions for not having that one emotion any day :)

    1. Yes! I'll take my saddest worst day over that anytime. I think maybe because even my worst days aren't even close to that despair I felt.

      Thank goodness for the roller coaster!

  4. Amy these are awesome postings and enjoy every one of them. unfortunately am still struggling and have no idea how to make it through this holiday :( have way too many family issues...not a happy person right now and so looking forward to the time to let you know that I am finally ready for the 100 day challenge and poop on these family issues. I need to do it for me..."no drinking NO MATTER WHAT!!"

    1. Thank you. I'm sorry you're struggling. Email me if you need a pen pal, ok?

  5. Guilt is a killer. Ugh. I don't miss that one. And when I do get's a killer. As they say, if you don't want to feel guilty, stop doing things that make you feel guilty. Almost simple enough for even a guy like me to follow...ha ha.


    1. Drink guilt was the worst. Until I'd had enough to drink! ;)

      Did I just make a joke? About drinking? Now there's some progress. :)

      Cheers Paul!
