Sunday, January 20, 2013

HIGH FIVE! Sunday 1.20.13

This is kind of what I looked like last Sunday, upstairs in bed dying. It's taken a week but I am feeling better. High five to that! Once again we welcome back High Five Sunday. Here's where you can comment about something or things that were high five-able about your week. It/they can be big or small or even medium. And you can include your days/weeks/months/years sober too. Or sober intentions. And I will shower you with friendly words of encouragement.

I'm forty-five days sober today. :) Holy shit.


  1. 45 Days??!!! That's a massive HIGH FIVE my dear. Good for you! WHOOO HOOO HOOO!!!!!!

    I guess my high fives right now are:
    - Day 9, almost double digits, oh yeah
    - Reaching out and therefore getting more needed support (I'm lookin' at you kid... and Belle)



  2. Still give me hope!!!!
